Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Why Obamacare is sinking

Why Obamacare is sinking

Charles Krauthammer is a genius. Read all of it, to the end, because it ends with a great punchline.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

5 weeks!

Until Dad gets home! I am counting the days! The days actually number 24--5 weeks is a rounded number.

Mama and Dad got me a 6 month membership to a ladies' gym for Christmas. I went every weekday this past week and I feel great!

Mama is having Ethan, Naomi, and Joshua read Paul Johnson's A History of the American People for their (wait for it) American history credit. So I volunteered to read it first and write tests, short essay questions and full essay questions for them. It's a great read. I'm really enjoying it! I have wanted to read it for a while now. I figured that volunteering to write a curriculum around it would be a good way to guarantee that I read it.

Hebrew class starts up again tomorrow. I'm so excited! I hope I haven't forgotten everything over the break.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I am Excite!

A Japanese exchange student named Miharu used to say that. And I am very much excited about opening Christmas presents and watching people enjoy what I'm giving them. I got a taste of it while exchanging gifts with the Teagues and now I can't wait for our belated Christmas!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas Eve!

Poor Dad is far away. Everybody over here doesn't have him but we have each other. Poor Dad only has Eric, which is better than nothing.

In other news, Claremore might actually get a white Christmas.

I know it's rude to brag about your own cooking, but the soup I just made smells really, really good. Can't wait for supper. Maybe I should make biscuits to go with it.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

"Lots more lights!"

So said Bob the Tomato as he played Cavis Appythart in Veggie Tales' The Star of Christmas. I love that movie. Cavis sets out how to teach London how to love with "lots more lights", as picture above, and ends up failing miserably, of course. At the end Cavis sees a very simple Nativity skit that shows the truth--love is a baby in a manger with a death sentence.

Any other part of Christmas is just like this picture--decorations, pretty lights to dazzle the eyes. Fun for sure but rather meaningless without that core of Agape Love.

"In Him was life; and The Life was the Light of men. And The Light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not...But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His Name."

Monday, December 21, 2009

Stuff and Stuff makes me happy

"Not that I depend on pleasant circumstances to govern my attitude toward life, but they do help."
-----John McCloy

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Peace On Earth

I already posted this on Facebook, but it's worth a repeat. Best rendering and devotional of Longfellow's poem I've ever heard.